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today i presentation grateful parents. the students, where we come from? hear this question, we will say, my parents took us to the world. yes, more than 10 years ago of a certain day, our parents with tears and happy smile greeted us. but when we came to earth in that moment, the parents but an onerous job — to take care of us. although this is a heavy burden, but the parents but murmur dependency, i grew up. we first called father and mother, the first independent to constitute a step, for the first time and scrawls them up when the parents patiently teach us.

parents, is god give us does not require any modification of the soul. when we encountered difficulties, to give everything to help our people, is the parent. when we were hurt, patiently listening to our people, their parents. when we make a mistake when not hesitate to forgive us, are parents. when we succeed, will sincerely as we celebrate, share with us the joy, the parents. and now we outside work, still with us. ... life is not as perfect, parents of hard to understand, however, in order to give us a comfortable living environment, they are always so hard, so hard. i wonder if members would remember that the thankful heart, touching sad melody: a thankful heart, thank you know, let me have the courage to do it myself.

a thankful heart, thanks to fate, the flowers i will cherish. yes, our wonderful is the parents of our road is specified for our parents, our success is given by their parents. all in all, involve parents help us as a creator, and parents are, therefore, we must with a grateful heart to repay parents, we want to act, to our efforts to return again and again. although we cannot live with their parents to share the hard, entrepreneurship and difficult, but we, as a secondary school student, at least you can read out to good comfort for parents that we truly worried mind.

the mid-term exam is about to come, hope that students can obtain a success.

thank you, my speech has gone.


“what would you do if you had only one day left to live?”

i asked this question to my young students when teaching english this winter. what were their answers?

“i would watch television!” the first answer. “i would play with the computer!” the second one. “i would play with computer too.” the girl finished her sentence perfectly with a serious smile. indeed how cute and innocent that smile was, but how seriously my heart was hurt. i was too frightened to listen to more answers like that.

ten years ago, at their age, i had a different answer: i would spend the last day of my life gazing at the face of my dear grandmother until i inscribed every detail of it onto my mind.

when grandmother was getting old and weak, my family bought her a telephone so i could save time and the trouble of traveling to her home by making phone calls instead. later we bought her a television so she could watch modern dramas by herself. then grandma must have been, we assumed, very contented and happy.

but i never really knew how grandma felt. she silently passed away without a word one night. when i heard about her death, a chilling pain pierced my empty heart. the pain grew even sharper as i tried to remember in detail exactly how grandma looked and i failed completely! how could i remember? i had not visited her for ages—it seemed like a century! my memories of her dissolved into thin air and leaked away like water.

even though i have a telephone, can she hear me now?

even though i might be on television, can she see me now?

even though i have modern telecommunications, can she still communicate with me now?

with all these “tele”s, i was powerless.

don't people just love the word of “tele”, which means far away. indeed this is how modern technology has changed our world. but please don't forget this other word with “tele”: telepathy: which refers to human beings' inborn ability to connect to our loved ones. our minds are supposed to read each other's minds; our hearts are supposed to feel each other's hearts — and fulfill these without any forms of tool!

but the moment i desperately struggled to remember grandmother's face, the telepathy between her and me had shut down forever. with the help of modern technology, i killed our telepathy.

this shall never happen again! the “tele”s are great inventions. but “telepathy” gives them the warmth of a human face. let's harness the power of television to excite our kids to develop their telepathy with nature… so that they can read the secret language of flowers. let's make the telephone lines provoke us to preserve our telepathy with each other, so we can connect in a warm and feeling way. let technology keep our “telepathy” alive! we need to wake up and make this happen.

i told my grandma's story to those young kids that day. they got very quiet. they asked me for a second chance to answer the question. they had come to a new understanding – that very moment they had made to me and to our future together, a dear promise.

thank you very much!


hello, everybody! my college life

i am honored to stand here and to run, now i feel especially have classes two nights a week only, the night a lot of time should be fully utilized. go to the library, participate in various activities that can harvest a lot of lectures! other courses i would like to attend a lecture class, exam take notes, exams should be no problem.

i am glad that the students can be recognized, trusted by the teacher, was elected student learning minister. i think as a learning minister, the necessary condition is that your grades should be among the best, to actively participate in group activities, and take the lead in doing everything for the students to set a proper example, and further to obtain the trust of the teachers the students recognized. also should continue to force themselves to work, study and higher level. i think i will not live up to our expectations, strive to do all the work to me.

i think i can share those concerns for the teacher problem-solving and strive to become cadres of students, teachers, a good assistant. let us wait and see!

i believe in learning, work, find the balance between three aspects of life, go hand in hand, college life will be our life a perfect memory!

thank you! the end of my speech!














i have to seize every opportunity to prove yourself to everyone , to prove that you can meet the challenge. to those who say you can never succeed , you will fail to prove , and this is my opinion. if someone says you are the injured , to slump , and for me, if someone suffered this injury might quit , but kobe can not do this . others say it under your die, i would say that you so that you may quit . so i have to prove it to them , especially to my fans who support me , love , i have to win their own , to win the pain , can return to the game . so as to allow those who doubt me rethink what is the impossible becomes possible. the importance of these scars is reflected in here , these scars are my shift reflects growing .

as a player, i was born with a passion to succeed , you want to win. but also the most important thing in life the hardest thing . as a player , you want to go to the stadium to meet the biggest challenge , i think the biggest challenge is to bring people into the team like a man as to constantly , constantly win, this is the biggest challenge the team of athletic competition , this is exactly my passion . for me personally, the most important thing is to continue to meet the challenge, and never afraid of challenges is extremely important.

but more important to maintain a constant curiosity of things , such as how to play better , how to improve the skills , how what is learned from others . in fact, i grew up to now has been looking for factors that inspire me from all aspects , not just from the body of michael jordan , earvin magic johnson from the body, but also from michael jackson , beethoven, leonardo da vinci, bruce lee's body, these who gave me great motivation, let me forward, so this is the spirit of the black mamba . not that you have to constantly attack others , but to never stop you from moving forward . life is a life-long learning , so it is extremely important to keep learning . you have to keep learning , study and study again , and talk to people , to understand , to learn, and not feel that you know everything . the only way you can become a better person , in order to further improve your skills . finally, there will be a by-product , to become a champion , become better yourself. for me, this is the spirit of the black mamba , my source of spiritual lies. so if i am able to pass this spirit to all of you , whatever you want to do, to become a basketball player , a writer or a presenter, no matter what your dream is , you must adhere to the dream of success from the front people who learn from the experience and knowledge to the success of all walks of life , some of them have in common makes them stand out, be successful, this is what i want to convey to you today positive energy .


first of all, i would like to thank today that i can stand here to participate in the activities of all the people, including me. the topic of my speech today is "thankful heart".

some say, forget gratitude is human nature. when we accidentally came to this world, haven't had time to do anything, we have already started to enjoy the former brings us all material and spiritual achievements. it's remind every one of us, to have a grateful heart.

have a heart of gratitude, more respect. respect for life, respect for labor, respect creation. hearts with gratitude, a generation of great men - small - deng ping said in three score and ten "i am the son of the chinese people, i deeply love my country and my people!" with a grateful heart, the poet ai qing wrote in his poem: "why my eyes full of tears, because i have deep love to this land." heard of the story of a man apologized to the tree? heard of all the running car to make way for the dog's story? the true story, touched by a love of life, moved by people respect for life. when we enjoy a clean environment every day, we would like to thank those cleaning workers; when we move to a new house, we would like to thank those construction workers; when we travel, would like to thank the driver... understand thank you, you will be looked upon with equal every life, to treat everyone around us, an ordinary ordinary labor, respect each also respect yourself more.

have a heart of gratitude, more can realize his duty. in modern society, everyone has their own duties, their value. when one of china's top ten xx touched xu benyu screen, goodness of human nature was lit again, this was originally the college students into graduate school, but they threw into the mountains from the bustling city. this extraordinary feat hurt everyone's eyes, each person heart is also lit up a smoldering fire. and let him to make a choice of the reason is simple: with a grateful heart. xu benyu with his gratitude for the mountains children paved the road to a love, lit the poverty and hope, completed his duty, realize the value of his life.

with a grateful heart, is not a simple endurance and tolerance, more not q, but with a generous mind brave face life positively. i believe, the most warm day from the cold, i believe, the most warm is an understanding of the cold, moved in a kind of gratitude. one must learn to thanksgiving, to life with a grateful heart, heart to real happiness. a person without gratitude, heart is all empty. "yangyouguiruzhien", "crow has feedback of grace", "send person rose, the hand have lingering fragrance", "give me your hand, and son xielao," these are due to have a grateful heart, sweet, freely available.

so i want to thank you, my life of passers-by, let me know how light fades to don't tie to the mind, thank you, come and go, i will cherish; thank you, all the teachers in my life, let me know how precious knowledge, thank you, following years, i will remember; thank you, my life close to close friend, share happy with you, sad have to listen to you, thank you, busy, i won't forget; thank you, i to really beloved relatives, in the course of time, quietly watch over me, shelter from the rain, let me in happiness to be loved also learned how to love others, thank you, day and night, i have in my heart.

thank day litres of sunset, thank happy pain, thanks to the earth, the sky thank heaven all the stars, thanks to life, thanks to get and lose everything, and nothing had lost everything, let me in the season of the grass sprout out of the earth came up the beauty of life!

my friends, let us with a grateful heart facing the world! let's hearts with gratitude to our life! as long as our life is full of gratitude, full of hope and passion, our society will be less criticism and shuffle, more tolerant and understanding, would be less quarrel with indifference, and - more harmony and warm, would be less tricking and dysfunctional, more sincere and unity, our spiritual home will forever young...

finally, let's get together again to listen to this song "grateful heart" : thanksgiving heart, thank you, with my life, let me have the courage to do myself, thanksgiving heart, thank fate, flowers bloom, i cherish.

today my speech to this end, thank you.












hello everyone!

everyone has a dream, it is everybody yearning. but the man without a dream of the life will be empty. but dreams are always with the thought of advance and change. begin to remember, i have a dream. i hope i have money, people always ask: "boy, this is a great dream, have money, what are you going to do?" " i'm going to buy chocolate."" if you have a lot of money?" " i will buy a lot of chocolate.""

if you have money to burn?" " i'll buy chocolate factory." indeed when we, innocent, with a kind heart, happineand joy is a constant movement. when i was young, i have a dream. i hope you can become a kite, floating in the sky, and then slowly fell down. then in the green meadow like playing with companion, often chasing the white clouds in the sky, let the flap with laughter, do the multicolored multicoloured dream. read, i have a dream. i hope to have a basketball; when i had time for basketball, but also want a football; when i play football, volleyball became my pursuit. another has a dream into a reality when, in fact i believe that the dream is not far away from me, as long as childish play, will be the realization of a dream. slowly into the primary school, middle school, high school .... will feel more pressure there, so will not be a dream, only know that reading to die, there is no note of those happy. remember, i have a dream. i hope that day will not have a lot of homework to do.

a bit of time to play deprived, and our day in 40% were imprisoned in the classroom, a lot of time on their study. but in the face of learning, or a vague awareness. as the saying goes," woolly-headed", understanding, also from feudalism to capitalism, the more feel it right. start up high all the time, i have a dream, i hope i can become a top student, got many awards; home to be family praise; in school teachers have been affirmed; among the students to stand head and shoulders above others performance; in the eyes can be recognized as a good child. but, gradually, i found that to achieve this dream and cannot rely on to childish play. later, i learned how to fight. bustling about home from school one day, it is leisure, listen to music, eat dinner, back to school. this day very dull, perhaps sometimes put a lot of friends; sometimes miss, or a pair of sleepy driving school. love fashion school clothing, really want to go for a walk, take a look at. sunday's time is very short, baby i really want to make, s

lowly know life hard and dream is really too difficult, but i will work hard, to see everyone to live up early to catch up later, hold oneself no longer loose.

















    星期一至星期五 8:30~12:30 14:00~18:00
